Secrets Buried In Time (A Work In Progress)

This is a 6x8 canvas panel I started some months ago but haven't yet finished. I 'm not quite sure what I want to do with this piece next, but I feel I need to bring out more of the collaged and stamped objects. Right now, it feels too soft focus to me. The objects don't pop. I also want to incorporate more ideas into the theme of what I already have - if that makes any sense - to clarify what the work is saying.
My artwork is such an intuitive process that I find it difficult sometimes to verbalize and communicate about a piece I'm working on, or have finished. I wonder if any other artists feel the same way, or if it's just me. I think my lack of formal training hinders me in this respect, as I lack the formal art-speak of technique. I make what I feel - and that's usually quite a lot! I've been blessed with a huge creative imagination that has, at times (and mostly when I was younger) gotten me into all sorts of trouble. But in retrospect, that only made more fodder for the creative flame that burns within.
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